Hi everyone! If you have noticed I haven't been blogging or posting much lately. It's because I was so busy with real life that I had neglected this blog. But I am back because I'm done with College now and I have more free time! I will post more regularly this time.
I thought that this blog needs more love and not just from me. I have so many offers of book reviews and book tours and promotions and I cannot for the life of me, do this alone. So, I am officially opening spots for a couple of someones who could spare a little time for this blog.
2 Book Reviewers/Bloggers
- Has a Goodreads account so he/she could post the review on their own accounts and link up in here. (Journey with Books will acknowledge that your review is yours) Having an Amazon account is a plus!
- Could turn in book reviews in scheduled time. (No excuses!)
- Loves Social Media. One who could spend time on Journey with Books' social media accounts.
You can read free books and socialize with authors. It will get your name out there in the book blogging world.
For those interested to have this position, send an email with your sample book reviews or the link to your Goodreads account at journeywithbooks@gmail.com
Write "BOOK REVIEWER APPLICANT"on the subject of your email.