Well, all I can say is the readers of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ will not be disappointed at all. This is the first of three. E.L James is a new author with a lot of potential.
The ever innocent Anastasia never imagined she’d fall for the very rich and very mysterious Christian Grey. Ana, who never had any relationship nor had ever been in love with a man before caught the interest of the gorgeous and insanely rich Christian Grey. But can Ana accept and give the very different and very dark needs Christian has?
This fiction is insanely hot! While reading this, you’ll just feel yourself rapidly melting. What I liked most about this one is that even though it’s an adult themed fiction, the author did not sacrifice the depth of the story. It sustained the plot. Some erotica have the tendency to focus on the intimate scenes and forget the plot but I’m glad that the author made it possible for her book to have the hot scenes with real emotions. E.L James succeeded in balancing the essential components of an erotica quite well. She gave the characters the life and soul it had to make the readers endear with them.
I think a reader would be a really hard stone not to feel anything while reading this!
Well, I have great news for everyone! The gracious and generous publisher of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ promised to give 5 Ebook copies away to 5 lucky followers of this blog!
This is open INTERNATIONALLY, so everyone can have a chance! All you have to do is follow this blog publicly and give your comments with your email to contact you down below!
June 21 to 25, 2011
The winners will be contacted through their email on how to redeem their prize.
Blog Tour Schedule
June 21 Journey with Books http://journeywithbooks.blogspot.com/
June 23 Roaming through Romance Roamingthroughromance.wordpress.com
June 25 Live to Read http://livetoread-krystal.blogspot.com/
June 27 The Write to Make a Living http://www.thewritetomakealiving.com
June 28 Middle of the Road Reviews http://middleoftheroadreviews.blogspot.com/
June 29 Better read than dead http://bibliophagista.blogspot.com/
June 30 My Life. One Story at a Time http://mylife-in-stories.blogspot.com/
June 23 Roaming through Romance Roamingthroughromance.
June 25 Live to Read http://livetoread-krystal.
June 27 The Write to Make a Living http://www.
June 28 Middle of the Road Reviews http://middleoftheroadreviews.
June 29 Better read than dead http://bibliophagista.
June 30 My Life. One Story at a Time http://mylife-in-stories.
The Writer's Coffee Shop (paperback & ebook) http://www.
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Find out more about E. L. James
Author profile http://www.
Twitter @E_L_James