Author: Marcos Chicot
Publication Date: January 4, 2014 (English Version)
Genre: Historical Fiction
The venerable philosopher Pythagoras, one of the most powerful political figures of his time, is preparing to name a successor from among his grand masters when a string of murders rocks the Pythagorean community. The killings, each more baffling and unpredictable than the last, gradually unveil the workings of a dark and powerful mind, more formidable than that of Pythagoras himself.
Egyptian investigator Akenon and the enigmatic Ariadne work to identify the murderer while at the same time coming to terms with their own tumultuous relationship. The challenge they face is one in which the ghosts of the past are interwoven with the sinister threats of the present: a challenge from which it seems impossible they will escape alive.
Killing Pythagoras, based on real-life historical events, will plunge readers into an apparently unsolvable mystery. Readers will unearth cryptic clues and come face to face with some of the most unnerving characters ever to appear in the pages of fiction: Glaucus the Sybarite, the gruesome Boreas, the vengeful Cylon, and above all, the mysterious stranger who wields his prodigious capabilities to sow death.
Kayla's Thoughts:
I love history. I love reading about people and places of long ago times. So, historical thrillers are completely up my alley. It was with great restraint that I did not magically reach through my computer screen to grab this book when I first heard about it. It has all the makings of a great novel. The characters are interesting, the plot thickens abundantly, and the fact that it is based off real historical events is just the icing on the cake. But let's begin this review, properly shall we? What is this book about?
Well, for starters, the great and powerful Pythagoras is in it. You know who Pythagoras is, or at least, you should have heard his name in those math classes most of you probably fell asleep in during school. He's the guy that has to do with triangles...the Pythagorean Theorem.
Ah, I see the light bulbs now above your heads. Well, let me say that this book is not about math, so you can stop freaking out...okay, so it has a bit to do with math, but it mostly has to do with MURDER!
That's right. One of Pythagoras's most studious grand masters has been murdered. In fact, it is the one he was going to trust to take over for him when he can no longer enlighten others with his wisdom and knowledge. How, you ask? Mandrake root. That sad part is, the police cannot find the culprit. There is not enough significant evidence to lead them anywhere. But Pythagoras does not give up. He sends someone to find a man who is known for his deductive prowess. A man by the name of Akenon.
Akenon is not really keen to take on this case at first, but Pythagoras can be quite convincing. It also helps that Akenon has taken quite an interest in Pythagoras's daughter. A woman as witty and wise as she is beautiful, who believes her father might have been the true target of this murderer.
Who is this elusive killer, and what are his true intentions? Can Akenon find out who did it before more bodies fall? How does math fit into all this? Read the book and find out for yourself.....
I absolutely, positively was not disappointed. At all. Whatsoever. This book has all the qualities of a crazy good historical novel, and I can see why it was the number one bestseller on Amazon in Spanish for five consecutive months last year. I LOVE IT!!!
Author's Bio:
Amazon Kindle Marcos Chicot was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1971. He has a BA in clinical and occupational psychology as well as in economics. He wrote his first novel, Oscar, in 1997. In 1998, he wrote Gordon's Diary, which won the Francisco Umbral Award. Two years later, he wrote a novel for young readers that won the Rotary Club International Literary Award. He has been a finalist i short story and novel contests such as the Max Aub Award, the City of Badajoz Prize, the Juan Pablo Forner Award, and the Planeta Prize.
His most recent novels are historical thrillers which combine fiction with real characters and events.
He donates ten percent of the profits from his books to NGOs for people with intellectual disabilities, and he is profoundly grateful to his readers for making this possible.
He has been married since 2007 and has two children: Lucia (2009) and Daniel (2012).
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