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Feb 27, 2014

Book Blitz: Book Excerpt and Giveaway: Of Sea and Stone by Kate Avery Ellison

February 27, 2014
Hey guys! Kayla here. Today I am bringing you a gorgeous young adult fantasy novel titled Of Sea and Stone by Kate Avery Ellison. I hope you guys enjoy reading its blurb and excerpt below, and farther down in the post there is blitz-wide giveaway for a $50 Amazon gift card. Cool, huh? Happy reading! Book Blurb: All...

Feb 11, 2014

Book Review: Stonewiser: The Heart of the Stone by Dora Machado

February 11, 2014
Title: Stonewiser: The Heart of the Stone (Book 1 in the Stonewiser series) Author: Dora Machado Publication Date: December 9, 2013 Genre: Epic Fantasy Blurb: Between truth and deception, between justice and abuse, a stonewiser stands alone with the stones. Or so begins the stonewiser's oath. But what happens...
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Cover Reveal: Take Me in the Night by R.L. Kenderson

Today we have the cover reveal for R.L. Kenderson’s TAKE ME IN THE NIGHT! Check it out and pre-order your copy today!   Title: Take ...