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Aug 6, 2012

Blog Tour: Author Guest Post and Book Excerpt: Blood Betrayed by Gabrielle Bisset Plus a Signed Cover Flats from the Sons of Navarus Series and a $10 Amazon GC Giveaway!

Hi my loves! How are you guys doing? I trust everything is going great with you guys. Anyways, I'm back again with another blog tour! This time Journey with Books is featuring the author of Blood Betrayed, Gabrielle Bisset. She's going to share her awesome thoughts to us. Plus there's a giveaway! Gabrielle will be giving away signed cover flats from the Sons of Navarus series and a $10 Amazon GC to one randomly drawn commenter. 

Author Guest Post:

Mainstream/Traditional VS Indie Publishing
Thanks so much for having me here today at Journey With Books on this stop for Blood Betrayed's book tour. It's great to be here! 

These days, authors have the choice to try traditional publishing through NY or epubs, or indie publishing on their own. My Sons of Navarus series is indie published. I chose to go indie with this series mainly because NY doesn't seem convinced that vampires are interesting anymore, unless they're from a big author. I disagreed and published on my own. This isn't the first time I'd gone indie, though.  I have had one book, my first entitled Stolen Destiny, published traditionally. For that, I went through Siren Publishing. Since then, however, I've published all my books myself, including a sequel to Stolen Destiny entitled Destiny Redeemed, three novellas that make up the Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy, and the Sons books, Blood Avenged and Blood Betrayed. For me at this time, indie is just the way to go. 

This isn't to say traditional publishing doesn't have some benefits. I must hire professionals to help with a number of tasks, especially my editing and cover art, and I wouldn't have to do that if I didn't go indie. For some authors, those two issues alone are reason enough to choose the traditional publishing route. Professionals cost money, and sometimes they can cost a lot of money. 

On the other hand, indie beats traditional publishing hands down when it comes to royalties. As an indie, I make 70% royalties on my books $2.99 and up.  That's a lot more than traditional publishers offer.  
However, for me, what tips the scales in favor of indie every time is the freedom I have to pursue the topics I love and the way I love to present them.  I'm in charge of everything, from the way the book is presented to the cover art to distribution. It's a huge responsibility, but it's very gratifying to know I handle the presentation of my work. 

The Indie Revolution, as some are calling this change in publishing, has exploded recently and it's all very exciting, but when it comes right down to it, the choice to go indie is one that means a lot of work.  For me, though, it was the only logical choice to make with my Sons of Navarus series. Will it always be the only way I publish? I don't know. But for now, I'm a very proud indie author. 

Thank you Ms. Gabrielle Bisset for that informational Guest Post. I think both Traditional and Indies have their own pros and cons. To us readers, it doesn't really matter. As long as the book is good and well written, it would be loved and accepted.

This information is really good for those people who are planning on becoming great Authors. I wish you all the best.

Paperback: 268 pages
Publisher: Gabrielle Bisset (May 20, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0984724370
ISBN-13: 978-0984724376

Book Blurb:
I am everything forbidden. I am vampire.

Haunted by betrayal, Saint hides in the human world, giving his heart to no one and finding the only solace from his past in the arms of human women. Now as the Archons begin their takeover of the vampire world, this Son of Navarus has been marked for death. 

Summoned to defeat the Archons by the world that shunned him, Saint must face his past and Solenne, the woman he loved and lost a century ago, for only in accepting her will his body and soul finally find salvation. 

Book Excerpt:

"Solenne, can you find a woman who doesn't smell like she's been deep fried in animal fat tonight?"

Closing the door to the refrigerator, Solenne turned to see Saint standing at the kitchen's center island. Shirtless. Again. 

"Saint, do you own any shirts or do you need me to pick some up for you?"

Smirking, he raised his eyebrows in amusement. "Have we become a prude?"

Pushing past him, she sat down at the table and popped a grape into her mouth. "Don't you concern yourself with me, but dial back the Cro-Magnon act, can you?"

Leaning against the counter, Saint propped himself up on his elbows and rolled his eyes. "And the girl from last night?"

Solenne secretly enjoyed the thought of him repelled by Marie for any reason. Maybe he didn't drink from her. That would explain why he was being such an ass. Maybe he didn't sleep with her either. 

"Marie seemed perfectly fine to me," she said casually as she picked grapes off the vine. "Maybe you just weren't her type. Maybe she has more refined tastes in men."

"Yeah, that sounds right. A woman who smells like a French fry has refined tastes. Just find me a woman who smells like a woman should."

You'll be lucky if I bring you one at all.

Saint strolled past her after issuing his order as if he were the king of the castle. God, he was infuriating!  If she'd ever met a man who could push her buttons more than Saint, she couldn't remember him. Wouldn't have wanted to remember him, at any rate. 

It still amazed her how different he and his brother were. Teagan was smooth and so much fun to be around. And Saint? Always the darker, more sullen brother, he'd transformed into a shell of the man she'd met a hundred years ago, more detached and alone than anything else now. 

But behind his gruff exterior—behind the defensiveness—that vulnerable soul she'd known then must still exist. At least she hoped it did. 

It did no good to think about that now, though. She had a job to do, and at the moment that meant finding a human female to provide him with what he needed. 

Even if it felt like she was betraying everything she held dear in her heart the whole time she was doing it. 

Where to Buy:

Gabrielle will be giving away signed cover flats from the Sons of Navarus series and a $10 Amazon GC to one randomly drawn commenter. 

To make things easier just answer this question:
If you would be an Author, what would you choose? Indie or would you go to Mainstream/Traditional Publishing? Why?

Remember, that this is all just for fun.. (^_~)

Author Bio:
Gabrielle Bisset spends her days teaching college students American and European history, but by night she's an erotic romance author.  Her first book, Stolen Destiny, was released by Siren Publishing in June 2011, and since then she's released the novellas of The Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy--Vampire Dreams, Love's Master, and Masquerade--in addition to Destiny Redeemed.  In December 2011, she released Blood Avenged, the first book in the Sons of Navarus series about eight vampires who must protect their world against an enemy that travels among their kind.  Blood Betrayed is the second book in the series. She lives in Pennsylvania with her teenage son and a herd of pets. 

Website:  Gabrielle Bisset Romance
Sons of Navarus Facebook Page:
Facebook Fan Page:
Twitter:  @gabriellebisset!/gabriellebisset

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