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Jun 22, 2011

Make Mine a Bad Boy by Katie Lane Book Review

June 22, 2011
Make Mine a Bad Boy (A Deep in the Heart of Texas novel) They all said that Hope Marie Scroggs, the town's sweetheart, always gets what she wanted but ever since she left her small town Bramble, nothing in her life went right. She left town to be famous and be a star but it didn't happen the way she wanted it. She decided...

Jun 21, 2011

Fifty Shades of Grey-E.L. James BLOG TOUR Book Giveaway

June 21, 2011
Fifty Shades of Grey Well, all I can say is the readers of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ will not be disappointed at all. This is the first of three. E.L James is a new author with a lot of potential. The ever innocent Anastasia never imagined she’d fall for the very rich and very mysterious Christian Grey. Ana, who...

Jun 16, 2011

Ascension (Guardians of Acension 1) by Caris Roane Book Review

June 16, 2011
Ascension (Guardians of Ascension) Well, this is the first Caris Roane I’ve read. I liked it. As I’ve always said, the first book of a starting boo series is the most critical one because the author needs to entice the readers to read the next one. In this paranormal romance, Earth is divided to the Mortal Earth and...

Jun 9, 2011

Breaking Dawn Part One Official Trailer

June 09, 2011
It might be a surprise to post this trailer in here but I felt that this one deserves its own space on my blog! I love Twilight, ever since I saw the first movie and then I read all the books. Although, I was disappointed that Stephenie Meyer did not continue on writing Twilight from Edward Cullen's point of view, I...

Jun 8, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday #2

June 08, 2011
 This is weekly event hosted by Breaking the Spine. It showcases the upcoming releases that we can't wait to read. The book I can't wait to read is: Chain Reaction Expected publication: August 16th 2011 by Walker Books for Young Readers From Goodreads: Luis Fuentes is a good boy who doesn't live...

Jun 4, 2011

Forever Family Friday (3)

June 04, 2011
This a new MEME that is started by E&K Family Book ReviewThis new Meme will give the book bloggers a chance to get to know each other. It is called 'Forever Family Friday'. Each week KW will post a question for us to answer and through this we'll get to know a little bit of  each other. The question of the week...

Jun 2, 2011

My First Blog Award

June 02, 2011
 Now for the note attached, let's see here...1. Thank and link to the person who nominated you.2. Share seven random facts about yourself.3. Pass the award along to 15 deserving blog buddies.4. Contact those buddies to congratulate them. I really want to thank Vanessa for passing this awards to me. I'm really...
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Cover Reveal: Take Me in the Night by R.L. Kenderson

Today we have the cover reveal for R.L. Kenderson’s TAKE ME IN THE NIGHT! Check it out and pre-order your copy today!   Title: Take ...